Nearly got taken out by a minivan running a red light out of a side street turning right into a queue of traffic which wasn't moving and therefore parked across the road I'm on, a cyclist coming round the back of said mini van head on into me on the wrong side of the road, with a pedestrian behind him casually walking across the road, and my pedal just glancing the kerb trying to avoid all three of the cunts. haha
Monday morning cunt day it seems!
Had a rubbish truck turn left off bethnal green road without indicating acorss my self and a young lady. I put my hands up then pointed at his indicators so he did the good on wanker shake out the window. So i flicked it round and chased him down scared the fuck out of him when i had a go at him on then proceeded to say dont swear at me so said the same thing without swearing and then told me to get fucked. Veiola will be getting a phone call me thinks.
Apart form that what a glorious day!!! pity my phone lost signal and didnt record on strava as i had a good run minus rubbish wanker.
I'm off to France for a holiday at the start of august and staying near Limoges for a week. There is an old Tour de France nearby that goes up the Puy de Dôme. Reading the web some people say you can go up it some say you cant. Anyone on here have any recent experience? I'm going to spend some more time reading up about it but thought I'd check here first.