BBC staff reporting the same thing as well which is where I have heard it from (but not pubically confirming it). I guess its not a full lockdown per say as it looks like its the same position on working as it it at the moment.
When I broke my back when I was 16 I wasn't even allowed to roll into my side unassisted. Instead four nurses had to roll me over and pack pillows behind me only to repeat the process 3omins later to go lie on my back again. 6 months wearing a back brace also sucked.
Used to own horses back in NZ and my sister still does plus a mini horse. It's actually quite fun pretending to be in control of something that at the end of the day does what it wants and your just a passenger. Does hurt when they decide to throw you into a tree though.
Judge, I'm delusional right now,' he repeated. 'I feel like I'm going to faint and all that stuff, judge.'
Its the "and all that stuff" which makes it more convincing haha