Consider the time you have already invested into trying to avoid this charge, then add it to the time you will probably spend doing what @Señor_Bear suggested.
Take all that time, focus and attention and apply it to something more substantial and important to you.
The slightly nicer bike at a very slightly reduced price will make you happy for an hour. It’s not worth your time.
I’m currently playing around with the setup on my Look 464 by switching forks, amongst other things.
The Look forks have an integrated crown race, the new 3T Funda forks use a press fit crown race. So looks like I need a fork crown race.
The Look comes with an FSA headset. From what I can find on the Cane Creek guide I think it is a IS42/28.6 IS42/30 36/45. But FSA don’t do one in that size... The closest I can find in the workshop catalogue is the Orbit Z.
Couple of questions:
What’s the easiest way to confirm the type of headset?
Can I just grab any 30mm 45 degree crown race? Will a LBS have anything kicking around or should I order it? The closest I have found is this.
Like thisAm I stupid, or is this more difficult than it needs to be?
I’m not arguing for Froome to be let off. Im arguing that the system is broken.
It feels like a never ending washing machine of doping violations that are then sensationalised by a media driven by click bait and amplified by forums trying to rationalise the madness. It’s a system with such a strong feedback loop that it feels impossible to analyse a discrete case without questioning the role of the previous case etc.
What are we doing wrong?
Should Salbutamol be on the banned list? I get that it’s similar to clenbuterol, which was abused previously... but with [reportedly] no performance enhancing ability (apart from mouse studies showing muscle growthat mega doses, which didn’t translate to humans).
Lethal dose of Salbutamol is effectively impossible to reach unless you consume kg instead of micrograms, so not really a dangerous drug - fails on D. No evidence to suggest it’s performance enhancing (apart from similar mouse models, as above) - so not PE. Hard to call it a PED.
This seems like a culture of lazy and risk averse regulation by the regulators. I’ll take a stab at why it’s on the list: it’s personally politically very risky for the regulators to take something off the list (and very rewarding to put something on) yet they don’t personally feel the pain created when additional items (guidelines etc) are added - because they don’t ride, they regulate. So they keep increasing the thickness of the rulebook.
And then something like this happens. Most people ignore the nuance, will forever brand Froome a cheat and move on. While the analyst that most recently reviewed Salbutamol for the list, including guidelines, decided not to stick their neck out and lives to push paper another day.
You did read when I made that point 6 posts up, right? ;)
The point is not to retain Orica, but to build a platform that is attractive to the next big title sponsor.
Orica was basically a good times sugar daddy. It wasn’t getting a measurable economic benefit (arguable) but rather a ‘brand enhancement’ while times were good. It was a bad deal for Orica’s shareholders therefore they weren’t going to be around for ever.
To be sustainable, the teams need to build platforms and demonstrate that they are delivering value above and beyond the sponsorship dollars they are requesting.
Or register as a charity and start running those ads on daytime tv:
Meet Esteban.
All Esteban wants to do is climb mountains in Lycra using a bike. A bike that costs money. Money Esteban does not have.
Help Esteban climb mountain by texting CLIMB to 555-1024 for only £1 a day. -
Isn’t their argument that Froome’s doctor prescribed within the normal dose and Froome has somehow not excreted it at the normal rate.
I understand they are investigating the metabolism of salbutamol, how it might be excreted and what the normal variances within individuals might be to argue the above.
Two saddles that have been hanging around for too long. I’ve never ridden a Fixik saddle and I’m not going to start any time soon!
Antares R5 (grey/black) came on a new Canyon and got switched out immediately. £35
Arione was on a second hand bike we bought, don’t know history or specific model so £25 (red/black)
From SW11, postage extra, add fees