@Scilly.Suffolk yeah, I have since been on that crib sheet v. helpful. I am certain this is the correct fork. Well I though Gazelle would use ISO but I am certain that this crown race will not go on. I tried everything to get on, this surpasses interference fit, I managed to get the cups on after all! I have done some research and seen a few of the eighties Gazelles with Tange headsets, which strangely sit between JIS and ISO with a cup measurement of 30 and a crown race of 27. I am looking at this as my replacement http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/281729721127?_trksid=p2057872.m2749.l2648&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT.
I am currently working on my first ever bike build, it's going to be a Gazelle AA Special single speed for going around London on. I have already made a fair few mistakes!I have just discovered that the Camapagnolo headset I have fitted is probably not the right one. I have stupidly fitted the cups only to discover the crown race is too small to fit over the fork. After researching a lot I have discovered that a JIS crown race is .6mm wider than the ISO. I just want to make sure I have this right before I waste another £50.
(If you want to know the other things I have got wrong; I bought a bb with too long casing and a crankset in which the chain wheel was bent)