Pretty debatable on the kickr core. I’ve not found any below this price for sale that are in stock. I’m not in for the hard sell and this is probably the wrong place to put them for sale. But I’ll look at offers much more favourably than @JuanSock clever, snide comments. If you’re after one if these which are genuinely as new with buying history give us a shout.
@JuanSock yes £799 each.
https://www.sigmasports.com/item/Wahoo/KICKR-V5-Smart-Turbo-Trainer/J9TF?utm_source=google&utm_medium=base&co=GBR&cu=GBP&glCountry=GB&id=899187&ds_eid=700000001845766&ds_e=GOOGLE&ds_c=UK_EN_Profit_Google_Shopping_All+Users_Smart_TurboTrainers&ds_cid=71700000087798940&ds_ag=Ad+group&ds_agid=58700007456007056&ds_k=PRODUCT_GROUP&ds_kid=92700067020470205&ds_kids=p67020470205&gclid=Cj0KCQiAzfuNBhCGARIsAD1nu--JfSCbpJOnwtU4kXm3dtS2UKOFPC4EQFYPqtGcTiKmAp3NR0HR4FUaAjxoEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds -
There are two units available, they were purchased from Hoops velo cycles in Farnham during the first lockdown for my father and step mum. However after trying them twice (yes I know not much chance given) they decided it wasn’t for them. So here’s a chance to grab a bargain. Price is per unit.
I’d prefer collection from Selby (near York) however I can bring down to the Heathrow area in the new year or arrange postage which will be approx £25 at your cost.
11 speed cassette-
Quick release through axle adapter
Kickr axis feet.
Integrated kick r direct port
Automatic calibration
Front wheel riser.
Original boxes
Used twice. -
Hi @Alistairgoodman98 is this still for sale ?
@JuanSock Dreams come true. Both now sold.