that thread you refer to up there saarf as being 1.85 is pretty much what this frame weighs.
@xrayspex no this is without fork, frame only
hey guys so a little update on the frame I've purchased. Turns out it weighs about 1.8g, which as far as I know should indicate Mexico status, as I think the Supers are more than 2 (correct me if I'm wrong). Bit confused by this as Saarf indicated he thinks no mexicos had crimped chainstays, and this one seems to. Seems there really is no rhyme or reason to these late 70s & early-mid 80s Colnago frames, often sharing and swapping characteristics of each. Lovely stuff regardless!
yep, thanks...was just reading all about them on the raydobbins.com site actually, where many distinguishing features are gone over with a fine tooth comb (one of which being the crimped tubes)
edit: probably already posted somewhere earlier in this thread, that link...
cheers @JusCos, it was advertised as a Mexico, but I wasn't sure really & wanted to clarify with you guys. internet seemed a bit fuzzy on this one..but yeah the more I read seems like a Mexico indeed
time to rip the decal off my refurbished 'mexico' then ;)