@SideshowBob I'm based close to Sweden so can pick it up, so 500 even. Looks to be 54 so would be my size:)
@MrSavevski yep this is located in Sweden
And you're right Primo was a very small Swedish brand founded by the 80s Bianchi team rider Tommy Prim:)
thanks @Kobe, your red rocket is seriously nice as well. Can't wait to see it finished in all its' glory :)
true, I should contact them to do a little sleuthing.
Seller said he bought it close to 20 years ago and its been sitting in a barn for most of that time hardly ridden. Not sure where he picked it up, but it looks to be mid-80s is my guess. he's willing to let the whole thing go for 500 quid which seems fair IMO
Thanks guys! Knew I could count on you, JusCos you're a living legend.
So, Super 91 = a lower level Super I guess. I'm actually thinking this is original paint, seller's uncle who died apparently was a huge bike nerd and kept his stuff in pristine condition. Theres a sticker from the shop he bought it from on the DT.
£350, too much?
damn that's lovely @croft.
I've sent an email to Somec now inquiring about info or at least the year of the Primo-Somec, hoping to get a response soon