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Same defence could be applied to; ‘60 year old man calls his trusty old Mercian bicycle ‘she’ out of some slightly outdated (but not ill-meaning) fashion; not because he is trying to symbolise the literal riding of a woman, but because it was socially acceptable to do so amongst his peers, in his time - and because he, as a man, says it’s okay to do so then it is?’
Howcome there’s an entire thread dedicated to (mostly) men calling out the archaic, but largely non-malicious habit, that other older men seem to have; of gendering inanimate objects, as it symbolises female objectification - but, it’s commonly accepted that use of (largely by male forum users); a derogatory, vulgar and sexist term that refers to a woman’s genitals, is okay to band about with impunity?
If I referred to my bike as a ‘she’ in front of the women in my family, they might raise some eyebrows, but if they heard me use the word **** they might actually be offended. Not that I would do/say either…
Has this gone?