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Anyone know what model Cinelli this is? Terrible repaint but has super record bits and panto'd forks so thought it might be a corsa but could not think why someone would paint over the lugs if they were chromed... (apologies for bad pics - all I've got)
I want to buy a bike from France (bike has been seen) but cannot get over there to collect it - has anyone bought a bike from a private seller abroad that they have not met before, and if so how did you make sure that you got what you paid for; I have tried searching for a courier service that will also act as a 3rd party / hold the payment until they have collected the goods etc., but cannot find much, aside from obvious scams, and was hoping a lfgss sage / bike shop owner might have some experience of this. Thanks.
hi, do both wheels come with quick release skewers? Where abouts in North London would suit you?