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Member since Jul 2015 • Last active Jul 2015
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  • in Mechanics & Fixin'
    Avatar for YorkshireSimon

    Okay, fathomed.. seems I didn't follow the make sure all the air is removed. With a bit of that and extra compression, things appear in reach now...

    Let the tear down continue. :-)

  • in Mechanics & Fixin'
    Avatar for YorkshireSimon

    Follow up to say that on closer inspection, as I start to extend the lower element down on its bearing races, the shaft and the damper also disappear down the carbon tube. This appears to take the top of the damper with the castle notches, out of the reach of the tool as the lock ring travel limits how far the can insert the tool.

    Any thoughts keeping the damper in reach of the tool, or suggest where I might be going wrong.

    Thanks all

  • in Mechanics & Fixin'
    Avatar for YorkshireSimon

    Hello Gents

    Thought I would bring this thread back to life, a year on... :-)

    This really is a great thread, and I thought I would try and resurrect it as there is scant resource available online for the Lefty at best, and at worst, absolutely nothing.

    My issues are nothing like as bad as the one you started out with. My bearings are simply shot (12 years and no service, many 1000 miles, so not too bad a return on investment) and the lateral and back and forth play in the head stem was getting to the point where it was a nervy ride on the fast stony rides.

    I have a 2001 to 2004 Carbon Lefty DLR, much the same as the one you're tearing down here. I have bought the KT004 tool to get the damper out, however I am having a nightmare getting the part that interfaces with the damper to actually engage. Looking at the design of the tool, damper shaft and lockout mechanism, it is hard to see how this part of the tool could be attached incorrectly.

    Due to the lack of visibility down the tube with the damper still in place, I cannot be absolutely sure the tool is the correct one. My concern is, the part that engages the damper is too wide, and is simply spinning around just above the damper on top of the outer threaded area. Hope that makes sense.

    So, the stupid question from me is, I don't suppose you could measure the outside diameter of the KT004 interface tool, and also the inside diameter of the top element of the Lefty itself. I am convinced I have bought the right tool, but paranoia is setting in as I am having zero success with the tool thus far.

    Many thanks
