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Member since Jun 2015 • Last active Nov 2015
  • 2 conversations

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  • in Components and clothing
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    How much do the wheels weigh?

  • in Wanted Adverts
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    I am after an older but half decent Road bike for my girlfriend as she has decided she wants to get into cycling.

    I dont want to spend to much as I'm not convinced she will stick to it however I don't want to get her on a heap of junk, I want to get her something I would ride otherwise she'll never enjoy it.. And i could use it as my winter trainer.

    A Cannondale r500 or similar would be what I'm after in a medium/large frame with sti shifters. I dont think she'd get on with downtube shifters! Condition doesn't matter to much along as it's mechanically sound..

    I'm looking to spend around £150 plus postage if your out of my comfortable driving zone but I'd be willing to go higher for something nice..



  • in Complete bikes and frame & forks
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    If you still have this bike I could take it off your hands, would need to be part cash part PayPal as I'm abit skint at the moment, let me know if you're interested.


  • in Miscellaneous and Meaningless
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    I know I'm writing this in the wrong thread but wasn't actually sure where to ask.. I live in Oxford but I'm looking to get out of Oxford once or twice a month just to experience something new, would I be welcome for a drink/ride sometime?

  • in Miscellaneous and Meaningless
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    Glad it's normal :D

  • in Miscellaneous and Meaningless
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    #1 When I was about 7 I locked the bathroom door and closed it (God only knows why I did it), I blamed it on my brother who in turn blamed it on the cat instead of protesting his innocence and because of that to this day he still gets the blame when it comes up in conversation and I still haven't come clean.

    #2 I joined this forum just to confess to that, you are the only people who know!

    But while I'm here I may Aswell confess to more..

    #3 I still reach for the brake leavers daily!

    #4 I'm so obsessed with bicycles that when I see a really hot girl ridng a bike, I check her bike out before anything else, this worries my girlfriend! I also look at every bike I pass and if it's a really nice one I usually say something like 'ooo that's sexy' under my breath. This also worries my girlfriend.
