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Member since Nov 2014 • Last active Sep 2024
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  • in Improving Public Spaces
    Avatar for oldhoxton

    The Lionel Road South junction will most likely never be signalised, situated as it is 200 metres or so from signalised junctions in each direction.

  • in Improving Public Spaces
    Avatar for oldhoxton

    Will that result in the junction of Lionel Road South being either closed to motors or signalised? Those are the only two things I can think of that would remove the increased risk created by installation of the cycle track.

  • in Improving Public Spaces
    Avatar for oldhoxton

    I'd be more concerned about the unsegregated, uncontrolled junction with Lionel Road South, at the top of your cropped image, where heavy goods vehicles would be turning left to get to the skip and container businesses located in that road, across the path of cyclists who have been directed into a classic left hook position thanks to the cycle track.

  • in Improving Public Spaces
    Avatar for oldhoxton

    Hi Backstop. Do you have evidence for those four assertions? (9%, stalling, ideological position, close association with bus companies)

  • in Rider Down
    Avatar for oldhoxton

    Worth noting that the headline of the Standard story creates an entirely false impression about where this collision took place.

    The story itself is vague about the location of the collision, concentrating on its proximity to the junction of Commercial Street and "Aldgate East" (by which the journalist means Whitechapel High Street), at which two cyclists were fatally injured in 2013.

    The headline writer then turns vagueness into falsehood by making out that the collision occurred at the aforesaid junction, which it certainly did not. It occurred some 150 metres to the north, near (but not at) the junction of Commercial Street and Wentworth Street.

    As so often, journalists mislead in their enthusiasm to discern patterns.

  • in Rider Down
    Avatar for oldhoxton

    Thanks dancing james, h2o and Backsplash.

    So a friend of mine witnessed the collision at close quarters and was visited by a police officer the next morning to take a detailed statement. The officer told him that the woman suffered fractures to the hip and both legs.

  • in Rider Down
    Avatar for oldhoxton

    I appreciate the concerns about blame mentioned by h2o and Sumo.

    As I say, I would just like to pass on information about the rider's condition provided by a reliable personal source. In the absence of the moderator, does anyone object to me doing so?

  • in Rider Down
    Avatar for oldhoxton

    Thanks h2o. I am a friend of an on-the-spot witness of the collision, who was informed about the victim's condition by the police this morning. Any good?

  • in Rider Down
    Avatar for oldhoxton

    I have read the rules for this sub-forum but can't tell whether or not it is permitted to pass on information about the rider's condition from a reliable personal source. I would be grateful if someone could let me know either way.

  • in Rides & Races
    Avatar for oldhoxton

    Bump. The Cat and Mutton Bridge car-free day happened. People seemed to enjoy the occasion. The market operated as normal. Volunteer stewards let the 394 buses through, and the bus drivers drove with great care and civility in the presence of pedestrians on the carriageway. One driver, in a City Sprint van (perhaps he had stolen it?), threw a wobbly and angrily chucked the barriers aside in order to maintain his accustomed short cut. Apart from that, no problem. and the event demonstrated what it was intended to demonstrate, ie that you can cut out this rat run without the sky falling in.
