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Have you seen this?
It's just one of many similar concepts. -
Back to an interpersonal protocol that would work without the "trusted" third party. Imagine we all have on our machines a customisable communication protocol that could broadcast and receive messages from anyone and we can set up various filters and challenges - so first we allow individual protocols to talk between themselves and find out whether there's a match - then move onto personal communication.
That' s how we could get rid of all the 3rd party portals FB, LinkedIn... and have total control.
But, there's a bit of psychological work that needs to be done - to establish rules of engagement so people know what to expect, how to protect themselves, how to communicate at the right level. That could be AI assisted.
Those rubber wheels are called capstans and they pull the tape along. They can dry out or wear out and you have a choice of replacing them or cleaning with a special compound.
The heads don't turn - they just push onto the running tape and read. Grab a cotton swab and clean the heads with isopropyl alcohol. I normally clean heads every few days (if playing cassettes).
Maybe the cassette is protected - there's a gap in the casing for a lever to go in and if that's blocked up - then the record button want actuate.