Member since Sep 2014 • Last active Feb 2017Most recent activity
thx for posting Miss_Mouse, the contribution of @gereonb in another thread has prompted the need for reconsideration with the Project Fungus team.. we're meeting at Hackspace on Thursday.. hopefully after that we ourselves will be clearer on what we can offer (!),
new stuff keeps cropping up (e.g. informed of earlier this week), but still no specific movement alerter, which is what Project Fungus is all about establishing/funding: the production of a pure and simple Bicycle Movement Alert;
from attending a tech-event last night, was informed that 90pc of successful fundraising campaigns feature a video, to highlight the human element, so are there any forum-mongers out there who could assist with this??!
in the spirit of the Lean Startup approach,
without the faff of too much jazz (so far), the Bicycle Movement Alert now has a dot-com domain and a kick-starting indy go-go fund-raising collection via simply Paypal (!),
thoughts, constructive criticism very welcome,