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Member since Aug 2014 • Last active Jul 2021
  • 1 conversations

Neil, Manchester

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    As an increasing stakeholder in the minority group that dare not speak its name, I'm acting as a UK go-between for the new Masters tournament in September and am looking to recruit a strong and enthusiastic representation from our shores.

    This idea has been developing sporadically around the world, in Indianapolis and talk of a Vienna event a couple of years ago, but now our German friends have made it a reality. In all (for polo) seriousness, there is a need for tournaments that enable players to remain in the game/scene regardless of diminishing skills or time available to stay abreast of current and future playing standards. With that in mind, I have already met with Alex the German tournament promoter to discuss how we can bring the 2020 edition to London and perhaps move it to a Worlds status. Feel free to make contact if you would like to help develop a UK masters tournament.

    So this is a call out for current UK-based players that wish to play in the first Euro Masters and especially to former players that need a little motivation to get back on court - please get this message out to those people!

    Entries here: european.masters@web.de

    FB here: https://www.facebook.com/events/296500624309358/

    Rules for this edition:

    1. The minimum age for all active players is 35
    2. The minimum combined age for a Team is 120 years

    Currently a 16 team entry - if it goes over 16 then a lottery will take place. 8 teams already entered.
    Ryanair fly direct to Nurnberg from Stansted and Manchester.

    Free agents list - post up if you want to make/join a UK team here:


    Cheeky call outs to those you think should be playing!


    Regards. Neil

  • in Bike Polo
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    Any polo likely for tourists this Sunday (20th)??

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    Would love to if Sunday and Newington...

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    Sweet! Can't wait...

  • in Bike Polo
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    Thx Sheffield - much polo goodness this weekend...

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    Anywhere we can see the teams entered yet? Please tell me Andre/Rich/Ade are playing together again!

  • in Bike Polo
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    Not immediately obvious why 5squad TM is a 'truer' team sport to me. Why is a longer game going to be a more engaging game? Seems very organiser driven - presumably less matches per tournament/less teams to arrange? In a typical squad tournament do the same numbers of overall players attend/participate or more or less than previous formats? Can't immediately see how the UK can accommodate with the current state of polo activity. Selecting the UK 5squad/s will be challenging. Bigger squads commiting to global travel is but one challenge. Presumably the team members have all to be the same nationality/national residency at WHBPC?

  • in Bikes & Bits
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    Are Pringles crisps?
