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Yeah, you're right, if the BIOS doesn't see the drive at all, Ubuntu won't see it either, if the BIOS is just failing to see it as a bootable drive, it might. I think Ubuntu is normally better at picking up dud drives than Windows is but if the Mobo isn't thinking it's connected, it won't pick it up.
You could use something like an Ubuntu Live which allows you to boot into Ubuntu using a CD or USB (no install). It's normally pretty good at mounting drives if they're readable. If the drive appears, you can have a look and see what's on it, you could mount an external drive and copy any data across, if it doesn't appear, it's probably dead.
I think talking to a financial advisor would be a good idea too. I would have thought in your situation though, it might be best for her to lend you the money to pay it off, then you repay with interest. I think if she buys the house and you live in it, then you slowly buy it back, it over complicates things in terms of who owns what legally. If you pay her interest, I think she'd probably need to declare it and pay tax on it as an income (as she would if it was in a bank).
I use Kodi on a Raspberry Pi and can use my TV remote with it, the HDMI-CEC thing seems to work ok