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Member since Jul 2014 • Last active Apr 2023
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    Abus Granit Plus 640 is more expensive, but in this case there is a very good reason for higher price.;)


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    If you read description under the video on Youtube, then where is the problem or what is unclear?;)Who buys a ground anchor with 10mm shackle diameter, as this example on my Yotube video?This is just a simple demonstration, or how to do it video for beginners;)

    "This is not a steel ground anchor, this is obviously just a cardbord/plastic model!"

    If you carefully reading what someone writes, the you now(or maybe not) what is my recommendation for front wheel locking to bicycle frame.

    "U-Lock with shackle dimeter under 16mm=they are completely useless or junk or not worth mentioning", this eyes wide shut philosophy does not need my the same answer again.;)



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    If you already have a chain, then use it to lock on ground anchor.In practice there is a better/much cheaper solution, for main locking you can use one U-Lock a length of about 25 cm.

    In this demonstration video, i used Masterlock 8196 with 16mm shackle diameter.I recommend OnGuard Brute LS, not because i endorse OnGuard, but because this model is pretty cheap but very strong and robust.;)


    For front wheel locking to bicycle frame, you can use second U-lock(standard size 23cm) of your choice.And here i also offer one recommendation, new Decathlon 720/740 U-Lock, or very cheep but very good for such low price.This model is incomparably better and more robust, compared to "Kryptonite Keeper junk U-Lock series" for the same price.


    Decathlon BTWIN 720/740 U-Locks

    • shackle diameter 14mm/double locking

    • internal automatic keyhole cover+ external manual plastic ring keyhole cover

    • new locking sistem or key, virtually identical to OnGuard U-Lock series locking sistem

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    That is the reason why U-Lock with combination mechanism should be called a "Trash U-Lock."

    In reality big bolt cuters are also wheapon of idiot-thives, because it is not wise to carry a very big and heavy chunk of steel.

    Every U-Lock can be cut with angle grinder so what, if we go in that direction then the best U-Lock is completely useless.I have no fear of these situations, realistically bicycle owners they need to be fear of idiot-thives=bike is not stolen but it is severely beaten and seriously damaged.;)

    Yes your thread Secondary Locks, there is Kryptonite Evolution U-Lock, but this is not Kryptonite Evolution 4 Series U-Lock.

    Kryptonite Evolution 4 Series

    • double shackle locking mechanism, shackle diameter 14mm

    Kryptonite Evolution 5/7/9 Series/mentioned in your thread

    • "Kryptonite single bolted and unique shackle trash design", shackle diameter 13mm
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    I am much more experienced/informed then you think,:) and in my previous post there's nothing rude no doubt.I'm just simply expressed my opinion, as I see it from my angle or a different approach to these U-Lock recommendations threads.

    As for your two threads and its content, this is is certainly useful and good content, but it's far from ideal concepts of such threads.I have no intention to make my special Locks or U-Lock thread, but that does not mean that i will not write my opinion or criticism.After all the two of us we are not alone on this forum.There are other forum members, who can see what I wrote, and then bring some of their comments or conclusions.

    Abus Granit Plus 640 is very good U-Lock(but little to expensive), and normally that he would be a very good U-Lock protection.If you do not understand and do not want to admit, that a lot of people just looking for or want such lite but good U-lock that's your problem.Abus engineers they must be crazy, good but quite lite U-lock, what else of course it's a good idea or product no doubt.

    With regard to a hammering on some fairly inexpensive U-Lock, go and buy one OnGuard Bulldog, put it on your bike and lock it properly, and then start hammering.Later you share with us how it is passed, and the condition of your favorite bicycle.Identical procedure you can repeat with Abus Granit Plus 640, if you can record that video session upload that video on Youtube.

    In reality only idiot-thieves(brain is sleep mode) hammer on a good U-Lock(reputable manufacturers), or use raw praybar power in an attempt to steal a bicycle.

    Here is an good example of hammering and praybar use, this is classic idiot-thives action, in a failed attempt to steal a bicycle.Kryptonite Evolution 4 series U-Lock, or OnGuard Pitbull the same security level U-Lock.What are these U-locks do they work or not, because they practically do not exist in your two threads?;)


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    Sorry but this is my review or assessment, GA2G your Secondary Locks and Locks that work thread in a such style, this realy does not make any sense.Secondly, so you are not mention OnGuard Bulldog Mini, because he is in the topic Secondary Locks, but you wrote this The Bulldog is a whole level below the secondary lock recommendations???;)

    In actual practice these are the facts, and the rest is just classic unnecessarily


    • In practice there is no need for Locks that work or Secondary Locks list, this time let's look only at the U-Locks.

    • Secondary Locks thread with 90% Mini U-Lock list, this does not make any sense, each tested and good U-lock is a good protection regardless of Mini/Medium or Standard U-Lock size.

    • Each bicycle owner buys the best U-Lock which can realistically pay.

    • A lot of people do not like heavy/very heavy U-Lock(16mm or 18mm shackle) no matter how strong and powerful.So the owner of the bicycle wants good but but rather light U-Lock what to buy ?Perhaps a plastic toy U-Lock, or very good Abus Granit 640 Plus series U-Lock,
      precisely 23cm model weight only 900g?


    • invested-received security, this ratio is the most important when purchasing U-Lock. Why would any cyclist buy to expensive and overrated U-Lock?

    • thread with U-Lock recommendations you only need one thread. And this thread it should look something like this, best U-Lock up to 30 pounds or euros, best U-Lock up to 50 pounds or euros, best U-Lock up to 100pounds/euros, best U-Locks over 100 pounds or euros.

    OnGuard Bulldog Series is pretty cheap but very good U-Lock. The exception are two Bulldog U-Lock models with combination mechanism lock=combination mechanism bycicle locks are low security junk.OnGuard Bulldog(old models black-gray, today models black-yello)invested-received security ratio is excellent no doubt.



    Here's an interesting funny video OnGuard Bulldog vs street sing.When you view the video, it was planned that only one person with street sign destroy U-Lock.But one man+street sign power in not enough, they had to call in a drunk reinforcements.The conclusion of this video is very evident, Bulldog is very good U-Lock.Let's face it is a humorous test, because this is not nearly normal or complete bycicle.In reality with real bicycle(properly locked with the U-lock), with street sign test you wood properly demolished bicycle.;)


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    Its the photo problem no doubt, let's get back to the U-Lock, this is OnGuard Pitbull or Brute model.Chinese knock off would not have withstood the first attack, and especially not the second method or tool.;)

    "Pete Drummond said: "We tried a cutter, but it just marked the lock. Then we tried a reinforced bar cutter, but it just dented it".

    Maybe I'm a little drunk, but this interesting case looks like "Monty Python style advertisements for OnGuard U-Lock.":D

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    If you mean lower build quality plastic cover on U-Lock, from security point is not important. The most important thing is, what lies under the protective plastic or hard rubber cover.If you completely destroy the protective plastic housing, U-lock is still there to be precise one-piece U-Lock body from hardened steel.On this photo is OnGuard Pitbull, so from security point no plastic cover= absolutely no problem.;)

    OnGuard Bulldog/Pitbull/Brute/old models black-gray plastic cover, today models black-yellow color combination



