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Bought what I thought was the correct new shaver head on amazon in June. It wasn't correct. Seller wouldn't allow me to return (barstewards) so bought a new shaver that it did fit end of July. Havent got on with it so a random ad. Genuinely used about twice.
Panasonic RF31 and brand new shaver head.
These ones. Very random as I said. Looking for £55 posted. Anyone? -
I pretty disgusted with the decision and I'm an England fan.
I like most people who watched it live and replays since see no mitigation at all. I wouldn't call myself an expert in any way but what about player welfare at the very least. Sets a massive and certainly unwanted precedent. Ridiculous in my opinion.
Not sure where you or how much you'd be willing to spend but I have a 2009 tinbred. 16". Search for it/me on here. Would like to give the proceeds to the Bristol Westie Group so looking for £250. And still got all the other bits for a full build too.