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Member since Jun 2014 • Last active Jun 2014
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    Can't find a way to delete account. So please ...

    1. delete my account
    2. learn what the fuck 'misogynist' means, you mindless mangina.
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    In case you're in any doubt, such misogynistic posts are going to get you banned.

    When people on here are warning you, you should guess that you've been reported and it means I'm going to do something.

    I usually don't warn people, but you're getting this one warning so don't get uppity about it... heed it. Take the sexist rubbish elsewhere or better still just don't go there.


    HAHAHAH !!!!!

    Fuck you, cunt.

    Delete my account. No wait .. I'll do it.

    You fucking thick cunt.

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    First day riding my mates road bike and it feels so strange...

    Got the train in. Giving my nether regions a break for a day. Very nice totty - about the only thing that makes the experience worthwhile.

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    You sound nice.

    I am.

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    Quite apart from anything else, I don't think it's appropriate for you to be screaming "cunt" at a young mother. You know, in front of her kids.

    This morning I commuted. A couple of vans drove too close to me. I tutted. On Cambridge Heath Road a woman drove past me eating a bowl of cereal but I managed to stop myself calling her a whore. I was 10 minutes late for work, but it was 6am so no-one noticed. The sun was up, it was OK. I am 25 years old. Thank you.

    I wish I were 25. Getting old(er) sucks.

    Anyway, the child in the buggy would not have understood a word of what I said.

    And I don't share this 'reverence' for mothers that seems to have taken hold of society. Why should someone get respect just because her vagina works and she got shagged without contraception?

    I'm 47.

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    If you can, go and do a 'meets' pub thing. It'll prove you aren't a 'sockpuppet' and it'll take the wind out of the sails of those dissing you at the moment.

    Assuming you are close enough to London's Famous London of course.

    When's the next one?

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    Find ones that fit your arse/seat bones. Makes life so much nicer, I don't even wear bib shorts or padding just comfortable underwear.

    I have several saddles that seem to suit my arse.

    Rode an old bike that I had in my teens and what was a comfy saddle definitely was not longer comfortable. Maybe the frame was a little to big for me so ended up selling it. With the saddle.

    Got a Brooks B67 on my Surly. Lovely and comfy, but might be a bit OTT for the Genesis. Might buy a Cambium.

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    Is that the yellow pages ad with seat like a razor blade?


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    Need a more comfortable saddle.

    Yes, the standard one's a bit sharp. Reminds me of this...


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    Yes. I was born in 2001.

    That aside (by the way, I have 14 degrees, but don't like to talk about them), whilst your protestations are noted I'm sticking to Occam's Razor on this one.

    The odds of there being two people as boring as you are astronomical.

    If you say so.
