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Member since May 2014 • Last active Jun 2014
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  • in Mechanics & Fixin'
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    People like to have a tug on there old boy over slammed stems!

  • in Mechanics & Fixin'
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    Did not know that about competition and double butted! Everyday is a schoolday. :)

  • in Mechanics & Fixin'
    Avatar for fullmonty

    Yes there are a few types of 531 tubing of the top of my head there is 531st (super touring) witch is fairly light for touring while been heavy duty not ideal for a fixed gear to be fair, there is a standerd type of 531 witch is very common and there bog standerd tubing still fairly light and stiff I presume that is what your bike is made from at your parents if you think its really heavy. There is also 531c (competition) my fg is 531c and personally its amazingly quick and responsive the only thing I have noticed is there is abit of flex from the bottom bracket area witch is anoying thinking about it but trust me its unnoticeable while riding.

  • in Mechanics & Fixin'
    Avatar for fullmonty

    hi, i would say ebay is a no no just because people know what they have and try to take advantage or have a really nice old frame witch is worth every penny but no good for a budget fixed gear, i would say try gumtree in your area with luck you will find a full bike for dirt cheap because the owner does not know the quality of the frame, also look into a bike jumble near you or a recycling bike project. a ideal frame would be Reynolds 531, just keep a eye out for cheap gas pipe badged up with a fancy 531 or Columbus decal.

    good luck.
