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Member since May 2014 • Last active May 2014
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    Was riding in Cambridge last week. I had just been to the local fixed gear shop to get my headset tightened and I was riding home. I passed a school as they were finishing and it was a green light on my road so I kept my fast pace. Straight after the lights was the turn off to the school. Just as I past the lights, a car turned in without any indication and didn't even look in the first place. At the moment I saw it I thought I was going to be dead considering the speed we were both riding at. I had three options and half a second to decide: 1) Go into the school and smash down a bunch of school girls 2) Continue my speed and hope for the best 3) Smash into the curb and hope for the best.

    I ride no breaks so I skidded for the curb (I didn't want to harm the girls and going straight was too risky). Managed to lift the front wheel but smashed my back wheel off the curb. Tyre exploded straight out. I flipped off the bike and smashed my elbow on the ground and initially I thought it was broken but just bruising to the bone. The bike continued and smashed into a wall and blew the front tyre as well. Lucky it didn't fuck the cranks or the rims tbh.

    Car didn't even stop and no one checked to see if I was okay. £70 worth of damage that I had to go fix a few days later by borrowing money off a mate. Passed the school again the other day and noticed a light post that I didn't see when I hit the curb and took a moment to think about how fucked I would have been if I hit the light post!

  • in Photography
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    Has anyone used an EOS-1n? Bought one from eBay last week and had to send it back due to a 'BC' error. Didn't want to spend money fixing it.
