Avatar for Mosser


Member since Apr 2014 • Last active Apr 2016
  • 1 conversations

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  • in Track Cycling and Velodromes
    Avatar for Mosser

    Yes it's bloody freezing down there and despite riding hard doesn't get any warmer so yes wrap up warm or make sure you've got something warm to put on between track time
    Hopefully see some of you there

  • in Track Cycling and Velodromes
    Avatar for Mosser

    This isn't so much advertising more encouragement. I completed stage one of my accreditation back in November with Calshot and as is the case with track riding immediately wanted more. It then became apparent I'd have to wait a month to do stage 2/3. At which point I found Prime coaching and attended there 4 hour coaching session. This brought me on quickly and the coaching was exceptional. The problem they have is take up on there courses and so December was cancelled. Steve May the guy who runs it has emailed to say that Februarys session is looking unlikely to happen, so I'm trying to get people to sign up so the session goes ahead! It's on the 21st February, just go to the Primecoaching website for more details. Please come along so it's not cancelled!!

    Cheers Mat
