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Member since Apr 2014 • Last active May 2014
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    Assuming you only have the charge, that is.

    I also have a basic Trek Hybrid which at some point I'll likely upgrade to maybe a Planet X Pro Carbon which is eye catching and a good deal though that's a way off yet.. Hybrids and touring bikes not quick enough...

    Different story for a different day there :)

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    Not sure if this is even in the right section, couldn't really find in the mechanic bit...

    Anyway, looking for a basic tool kit for home use.. Good quality and useful all round. Been looking at Park Tools, Topeak and so on but I wondered what my best option would be and what you all use?

    Naturally I would like the biiiig 5k plus Park pro set but that's a little out of my budget but something decent and basic sub £100 would be a good starting point...

    And if proof were needed that a man listens to his peers I went and got me a Charge Plug... Good old Triton were rolling them out at £359! Apologies to Mr D Foffa but that was too good a bargain to pass on :)

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    Sooo... A Mango instead?

    Woop woop woop woop woop woop...... Oh... Pfff

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    No, but a bit of piss never hurt anybody.

    Anyway, reported for cyberbullying and slander. You fucking sphincter sucking bag of misinformed wank.

    Bit harsh.. Besides, I said "think" and "may"... Hardly slanderous...

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    I realise that it's a no no on the rear because is messes up chain tension however for practical reasons, it would be quite useful having one on the front... Not got a lot of room and removing a wheel will help...

    Work ok or is it considered "poor form" ?

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    3 posts and your out of the nursery DAN

    And 24 hours apparently.. Which I hadn't done for some reason.. Anyway, out now..

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    Cool, presumably you have extensive experience of the off the peg single speed market so you can compare it fairly with everything else on offer? Or are you just angling for a discount?
    If you don't know what you're comparing it to then it's not exactly a fair review is it...

    Well no... Obviously I don't.. Which was the whole point of me coming and asking advice in the first place... However, I do know how to ride a bike, I know what feels safe and responsive because it won't feel like a rolling death trap and if it doesn't break then that'll be a good thing... I know how it will behave from using it everyday.. I don't need a second bike to compare with because that isn't the point.. Actually maybe it is.. I already have a something to compare it too, though it isn't exactly the same thing...

    Anyway, I'm not doing a group test, I'm just buying a bike.. Jeez

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    Ask for advice, get given it. Yet, don't want to listen to the advice.

    Do want you want.

    Come to drinks, go on a ride, learn the in jokes er....discuss pizza...

    Well the funny thing is, I had dismissed Foffa and was set on a Charge so yes, I have taken the advice of those here.. Still will likely end up with one...

    Then.. Then though, Dani Foffa ups and offers £100 off one of his and then now £200 is a big price difference.. And if I take it and ride it and report on here how good or bad it is then maybe, just maybe.. This thread can be laid to rest...

    Stranger things have happened...
