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Member since Jan 2014 • Last active Oct 2016
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    I've built mine..
    almost 2 years
    thanks to @Inoxeps.

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    Well, after leaving message on facebook page facebook.com/ciclipelizzoli, in 8 days I've received my frame. The welds are smooth, paintjob - flawless. Everything too good to be true.
    I've checked the serial number and it is the frame that they've sent me pictures in december 2014.
    Few pages ago there are pictures of the december frame.
    45 - 14 frame number. I don't understand... why they had to wait so long to send it to me.
    It was already made in december.. I have received it 9 months later. The posting last 5 days via EMS.

    Here's todays pic

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    Yeah, seems like it works, I leaved a reply on the facebook. Samuel contacted me, said he'd take my frame to post office this monday. Now I have a tracking number and, at least, poste.it says that it is already leaving Milano.
    He sent me scans of ems documents too.

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    There is a topic about Pelizzoli

    Generalizing, Don't!

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    This is fucking disappointing.
    After 1 month, that they told me that the frame was ready and sent me pictures of one (at least it matches my color choice), Simona wrote that custom clearance have stopped the shipment because of wrong address.
    The ironic of all this that they haven't asked for my post address yet. i.e. Simona is lying.
    I even asked'em to go and collect the frame by myself. Shipping costs 110 Euro. Tickets Moscow-Milano around 150.

    7 months waiting.

    Guess the frame on the pic doesn't belong to me.

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    Receved this 2 pics from Pelizzoli.
    They say its not painted yet, the black color is undercoat.
    My frame is supposed to be Exciting Blue.

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    guess its because, actually the car hits the cyclist and his bicycle. The driver is the responsible for the accident, for driving that car, but car hits the flesh.
    It's like "a victim was found with gun shot wounds", you don't say - the body was found with gunner wounds.

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    Found this phone number on their credentials @ paypal payment
    +39 3392629847, maybe someone can speak italian and can talk to them what's the matter.

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