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Member since Jan 2014 • Last active Jan 2014
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  • in Rider Down
    Avatar for LEW23

    I was one of the first on the scene - I was walking away on the phone and was alerted by a crash and a blood curdling scream. The rider, in high-viz was on the floor.

    I'm a first aider so ran in and made sure she was supported so could remain in position without moving her or the bike that was between her legs still and the lower leg looked a bit crooked. Rider said she had turned left from Russell Sq into Montague Pl and a bus had turned right from Montague Pl to Russell Sq. Despite it clearly stating 'no right turn except for cycles' on a sign. I see at least one driver do that a week at that junction.

    Fortunately the building I work in is next door and full of doctors and nurses who have additional responsibility for education so within a minute or so a doc was there with me so I let him take over.

    I tracked him down and e-mailed him today and he said she had been taken to hospital with a broken and dislocated ankle.

    He also said that the driver of the bus that allegedly made an illegal right turn had been arrested but I can't guarantee that's the case.

    Fingers crossed S (I have her name but out of respect for her privacy I won't say it) I hope you have a speedy and uncomplicated recovery.
