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Member since Dec 2013 • Last active Feb 2015
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    Just an update for anyone who cares (probably no one), I've been away in Spain for the past week but back now, going to check out a few hire shops tomorrow and should hopefully be able to free my bike this weekend with minimal interference from the police and minimal accidentally removing one of my hands with the angle grinder.

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    That's brilliant guys, thanks for all the advice.

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    I have eBay receipts for the brakes, brake cables, chain and the Kryptonite lock itself. The frame is an old one I bought off of my friend (who also helped me build it) as are the cranks, chainring and wheels. I have a picture on my Facebook of it being a build in progress but none of me riding it. Probably not enough seeing as what the police are like, but I'm sure there's CCTV footage of me riding it into work everyday as well so that might help.

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    You know that sounds like such a ridiculous amount of bother that I might just come back after work with an angle grinder and "steal" my own bike. I'm sure that'll look good, a young black male with a power tool slicing through a bike lock outside an office building in Central London. Anyone ever had to angle grind their way through a lock know how loud it is? I've already got clearance from my office but I know someone across the road would be more than willing to call the police.

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    It's had a drill put a quarter way through it so I'm pretty sure the locking mechanism is damaged beyond working.

    @Howard probably my only option at this point sans building another bike, how long dyou reckon I'd be sawing away for?

    @clockwise if I wasn't an idiot I'd have actually registered my key and had it unlocked 2 weeks ago

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    My office is right next to Tower Bridge so no fire stations are particularly close AFAIK

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    I'm sure you've all heard this before, but prick that I am I've locked my bike in the sideyard at my office and then lost my keys. Conveniently (stupidly) I had both keys on the same keyring so I've also lost my spare. I asked the facilities team at work if they could do anything, they had one of their maintenance contractors have a look into it, he tried to drill straight into the lock and snapped two drillbits in half, then had a half-hearted go with a hacksaw and gave up. Called the nearest locksmith and they said it'd cost me 100 quid plus parking, which is pretty ridiculous seeing as I put my bike together for half that. It's locked with a kryptonite kryptolock series 2.

    Any avdice? If you want to scream "pikey thief!" feel free. I don't think the facilities manger would take too kindly to me lugging an angle grinder into work so dunno if that's an option.
