Avatar for Indre


Member since Dec 2013 • Last active Dec 2013
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    Hi All,

    I am losing a hope to find some help as I just got off the phone with Metropolitan Police and have spoken to locksmiths..
    My partner locked his bike outside his workplace in Hammersmith yesterday and has lost his key..... genius
    Police said there is nothing they can do Locksmiths quoted £59.00 plus VAT ..! seriously?! ggrrr
    I am hoping one of you guys could help us out for something smaller than £59.00 and help him release his bike?
    we bought this bike a month ago from Evans so we do have proof of purchase and all ... the bike is locked outside his work too.. so no dodgy business here - I have also informed the police that we might be trying to cut the chain and given them the address so if anyone reports Police will know what is this about.

    so pretty please let me know if someone can help!
    my email is Indrematiu@gmail.com

    many many thanks

