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Member since Nov 2013 • Last active Nov 2013
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    Thank you for educating me on the internet, I have been using it since 1989 or so and am a qualified computer programmer who built his first website back in the mid nineties but again thanks maybe you could teach me a thing or two. I don't really get your point though, I will on any level in any forum who ridicules my father defend his memory not something that I find to derogatory behavior at all and certainly not "babyish" I like the idea of people bringing cycles back to life and have helped many with providing them with the few decals I have left, my choice and because there is only one box, I am choosey with who I give them to, not babyish. The age of this thread also has zero relevance to me if I choose to comment on a thread that found offensive then I should be allowed to do so, the last time I checked we do still have freedom of speech in this country. This has annoyed me and I will no longer make any more comments on this thread regardless of what has been put up as I feel my point has been made.

  • in Bikes & Bits
    Avatar for SKB

    Judging by all of your comments here you are all middle aged pot bellied men who never had the same success in the industry as my father did. I doubt very much you would have made the same comments to his face if he where alive today.

    I do actually have full sets of decals for the restoration of my fathers frames but these have and will go to more deserving and respectful people.


    Simon Ken Bird
