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Member since Nov 2013 • Last active Nov 2013
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  • in Bikes & Bits
    Avatar for LourensCoetzer

    He's referring to the saddle angle. Rolled forward like that it puts more weight through the wrists and hands and on long rides will cause discomfort. Roll the saddle back to horizontal or even just slightly angled up at the front takes a lot of weight off the hands.

    Thanks, I will attend to that.

  • in Mechanics & Fixin'
    Avatar for LourensCoetzer

    I had this problem and it persisted, no matter how tight I made the lockring, until I paid close attention while I tightened the lockring. I found that the last few degrees of turn will grab the cog and loosen it the tiniest bit before the lockring is fully tightened against it. So I tightened the lockring by leveraging against the cog using the cog tool and not against the wheel as I did before.

  • in Bikes & Bits
    Avatar for LourensCoetzer

    Only on the downhills but at the distances I ride it's not a big problem. I'm not sure how to address it though since I'm really tall and can't drop the saddle and the bar is as high as it can go.

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    Avatar for LourensCoetzer


    http://imgur.com/p0Bvu57Hi all, I am new to the forum.

    Here is my current frankenfixie. I built it on Monday evening after getting the frame as a gift. I rode it to work this morning. It's my second build. It's not pretty yet but who knows what the future holds?

  • in Bikes & Bits
    Avatar for LourensCoetzer

    Hi all, I am new to the forum.

    Here is my current frankenfixie. I built it on Monday evening after getting the frame as a gift. I rode it to work this morning. It's my second build. It's not pretty yet but who knows what the future holds?

  • in Bikes & Bits
    Avatar for LourensCoetzer

    Hi all, I am new to the forum.

    Here is my current frankenfixie. I built it on Monday evening after getting the frame as a gift. I rode it to work this morning. It's my second build. It's not pretty yet but who knows what the future holds?
