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Member since Oct 2013 • Last active Oct 2013
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    It was probably better off where it was.

    I bet you were the one who binned it then... ;)

    well .. thanks, it turned out to be a nice ride -- she must be at least 25

  • in Bikes & Bits
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    I saved this from the bin and did very little mods (i.e. drops removal, custom handlebar, bmx-derived brake handles

    It's Italian from Venice, she is a bit scruffy and a Blue full Campagnolo lady


  • in Complete bikes and frame & forks
    Avatar for artoo

    v interesting. in my case 90 * 0.65 = 58.5 + 0.5 = 59

    i would have always thought i would be better suited to taller bikes. shame this bike just sold on ebay for 310! thanks tho!

    Yeah, but 1|2 on the T-T "formula" means 1 OR 2cm - sorry for the misunderstanding.

    I am glad you found it interesting though :)


  • in Complete bikes and frame & forks
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    oh yeah! Of course... I was mislead by the Gipiemme dérailleurs and crank-set. I thought it was Austrian though.. silly me. BTW, I think the bike has not reached her price yet..

    I have in mind a project similar to one that I have done when I was collecting and repairing road bikes in Padua (Italy). She won't be fix or single speed, but I was actually looking for a decent 10 speed complete set. I want something light to provide with aluminium custom straightish bar so that I can use it to ride fast in the traffic and hence to enjoy WE rides with my girlfriend as well.

  • in Complete bikes and frame & forks
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    I think this would be way too big for a 6" rider, however as a 6' rider it should be ok.

    as I wrote in another thread:

    To tailor a frame is quite a simple and exciting process (but you need another person - better if it a girl):

    1. stand straight with your feet at the same distance of your shoulders - or as you were standing on your ride
    2. get your girlfriend to measure the distance x=ground-to-balls
    3. C-C=x*0.65
    4. T-T=C-C or T-T=C-C + 1|2 cm if you are tall and have long arms

    After these values then there is some subjectivity factor of course... but as a matter of dimension principle it should something very close to those

    I see people in the street riding huge or ridiculously small frames for their height quite often.. but maybe I am too sensitive about this.

    hope this is useful

  • in Complete bikes and frame & forks
    Avatar for artoo

    is it 59 ctc? might be a touch small.

    well.. I don't know how tall you might be and perhaps this is not useful to you but "theoretically", to tailor a frame is quite a simple and exciting process (but you need another person - better if it a girl):

    1. stand straight with your feet at the same distance of your shoulders - or as you were standing on your ride
    2. get your girlfriend to measure the distance x=ground-to-balls
    3. C-C=x*0.65
    4. T-T=C-C or T-T=C-C + 1|2 cm if you are tall and have long arms


  • in Complete bikes and frame & forks
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    hey! A truly piece of classy Italian beauty! I love it. Are you in London? I might come have a look at her.

    My girlfriend has an 80's Zarma (Campagnolo from head to foot). Zarma was a local north east Italy manufacturer that was very active on the road races in the 80s. I was actually looking for something similar and the Enik sounds like my best shot!
