Member since Oct 2013 • Last active Feb 2014- 0 conversations
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I just want to start off by saying that this is John with I had no idea how amazing the polo scene is there. You guys and gals definitely have your shit together and it's nice to see how people are doing things in other parts of the world. Dustin and I would love to highlight videos that are put out all over the world, but we really don’t know where to look. If anyone could help us get in touch with the person/people that are making these awesome videos, we would be very grateful. I’m excited to check out the rest of this forum because it looks like you all have some next level stuff going on. Also the final game of North Americans 2013 is up on the site. Study up boys and girls Worlds 2013 is going to be amazing. See you there!
Feel free to contact me personally at:
What’s up polo people! Dustin and I are trying up the level of by getting some more writing on the site. We are looking for contributors to blog, post videos from outside of the states and give insight etc. We’re are pretty sick of all of the blogs popping up from the states and want to go in a different direction and inform people that there is high level polo happening outside of America. You can pretty much talk about whatever you want. Maybe post once a week or every other week. Let us know if you’re interested.