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I was thinking due to the park being dimly lit with those old lamps, you might not be able to see the deflections in the road (especially commuting in winter). Would also be a nightmare if you had another 14 places where the cars 'must-get-in-front'.
I agree, on other roads you can hit them at 30mph and not even think about it (nearby on Avenue Rd for example).
Ask for a bespoke order book, or see if you can find it from Brompton instead. Prices start the same as off the shelf models, and you pay for each customisation you choose (although some changes are free).
Lead time is generally ~2-3 months (can be quicker), but I'd ask them for a recent order they've done for a better estimate.
The values seem plausible when you consider the sensors were recording non-stop for a whole week. 1 vehicle hit 90+, 3 hit 80+. Sometimes you'll see motorbikes at these kind of speeds on less-open roads than the outer circle.
I don't care to dispute or validate the figures, but they are a part of the consultation for the changes in RP for CS11. I'd imagine there would be all kinds of legal issues for TfL/DfT if they were relying on inaccurate speed surveys and/or crap equipment to justify their road plans.
As @NurseHolliday said - not sure if serious.
The limit is 30, but I think RP has the only roads in the borough of Camden that aren't under a 20 limit. You can certainly see drivers looking to make up time using RP as a through route.
I've seen police out with radar guns twice this year, pulling over quite a few cars and motorbikes. One time they even towed away a car (probably insurance, rather than exclusively speed related).
Wasn't being serious - it's done with Virb edit.