Avatar for FreddieF


Member since Aug 2013 • Last active Mar 2014
  • 0 conversations

Most recent activity

  • in Rides & Races
    Avatar for FreddieF

    Means more places to stop for beer, which can never be a bad thing

  • in Rides & Races
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    Won't be attending but thought you might like to know the monarch in Camden serves Brooklyn

  • in Rides & Races
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    Not been on a forum ride yet, looking forward to it.

    1. BareNecessities
    2. IvanSkavinsky
    3. hairnetnic
    4. pootsmanouva
    5. IndraRipper
    6. almac68
    7. JAH tim
    8. TooTallTim
    9. smiff
    10. torker
    11. villa-ru
    12. mands
    13. Andrew
    14. Ludd
    15. Hoke (with no spokez)
    16. Pavéwell
    17. fussballclub
    18. Thomas
    19. Thomas' +1
    20. Temp
    21. Oliver Schick
    22. Cazakstan
    23. cake
    24. owenreed
    25. nurseholliday
    26. desouz
    27. tonyme
    28. mini Skully
    29. maxi Skully
    30. Ultracrepidarian
    31. HoKe
    32. 6pt tbc
    33. jonny
    34. Murrance
    35. Polka Dot
    36. vunugu
    37. Dammit
    38. laner
    39. T4
    40. Davehmercer
    41. A Owl (never met any forum folks, be nice to say hello...)
    42. Temp + 1
    43. Dave4
    44. Seraphinx
    45. Hefty +1
    46. Cafewanda
    47. Dan W
    48. Fenella
    49. OLC
    50. Marco
    51. Toastyoneuk
    52. biarittz (Sam)
    53. biarittz's big sis (Sian)
    54. Cupcakes + 1
    55. middleofnowhere
    56. Ok123
    57. Mikey5000
    58. JD
    59. FreddieF
  • in General
    Avatar for FreddieF

    Been lurking for while, signed up a while ago aswell but have finally got round to posting.
    Hoping to get out on a few rides and probably get abit of advice from time to time.
