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Member since Aug 2013 • Last active Aug 2013
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    It's not quite the same as those pictured - but one of these http://www.lfgss.com/thread584.html (maybe an older model as I bought it ~7 years ago).

    To be fair - I can't remember precisely how I locked it this particular time; it's a habit after a few decades of riding. Having said, that I usually lock it around the seat or top tube (if no clearance). Food for thought and more attention by me I guess!

    Then again, maybe they wanted me to continue using the same lock if it can be easily removed and put back!

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    Also: original front wheel (chrome) but rear wheel (all black) replaced with a deeper rim Leader wheel I managed to find cheap last year.

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    Just in case: it was a Surly Steamroller (~2006 build - maroon). It would have stood out a bit as I had 'pimped' it up a bit. Dropped BLB 'Fubar' handlebars, purple grips, Nito seat and wide flatliner pedals, no straps or clips.

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    Not sure but it looks like it. Left it locked to a tall lamp-post on a busy corner for ~30 minutes. Came back and the bike was gone but my lock was still locked in place to the post. I did toy with the idea of replacing the lock a few years back when I saw how easily Kryptos could be picked but it was new and expensive at the time. It's a Krypto Evolution (small orange one)?! Gutted to lose my Surly, to say the least, naturally!

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    Useful & sadly too late; had my Surly (of 7 years) pinched on Mare St earlier today. They thoughtfully left my Krypto neatly locked back on the post! This advice will hopefully stop a 'next time'.
