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Member since Aug 2013 • Last active Aug 2013
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  • in LFGSS Ladies
    Avatar for hurdygurdy

    Hello all,

    Brief lurker, and very appreciative of this (mostly) ladies forum.

    Question for all you who have Brooks saddles (particularly the B17, though any experiences welcome): do you find that, in a somewhat aggressive position, that your flappy bits are at all crushed? I have a Specialized Jett (155mm) at the moment, and it seems no amount of tilting (forward or backward) will alleviate any pressure either on the front-most bits or more on the side (labia majora) (it seems I'm somewhat well-endowed in this area?). I'm looking into a Brooks because it appears fairly flat in the rear of the saddle, but am concerned about the portion in the middle in that, as time goes on and the leather wears in, the center section could scrunch everything up. For the record, my sit bones are about 145mm apart.

    It figures that my first post would be about something like this >.>
