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Member since Jul 2013 • Last active Jul 2013
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    Nearly got hit on the Old Kent Road near at the big junction at the entrance to Burgess Park today. Was in lane second from left (so the one for traffic going straight), some prick zooms past me with literally a hair's breadth, can't have been more than 6 inches. I think he thought I was going to turn left, but I'm pretty sure my road position shouldn't have suggested that. I'm getting really sick of the Old Kent Road...since moving to New Cross about a year ago, I've been hit once (destroying my bike and leaving me with a limp for a few weeks, luckily no long term damage) and had 2 or 3 'oh shit' moments. I've started commuting via the back roads unless I'm running late.
    Anyone else in SE have any thoughts on the OKR?
