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Member since Jul 2013 • Last active Jul 2013
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  • in Rider Down
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    Please go here to continue your discussion


    Thank you for making a start.

  • in Rider Down
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    Yes you would. Why should he hear you coming? What if he had no headphones but was deaf? You should be driving at a speed that allows you to stop given that it's a 'blind corner'. Cyclist or another car or pedestrian or horse, they are allowed to be there.

    Accidents are one thing, accidents when you're being a dangerous cretin are another. This is why he's a cunt...

    "CCTV evidence shows Wrathall overtaking Fingleton, cutting across his path and causing the collision while holding a mobile phone. Wrathall's plead is not guilty."

    That is the oldest one in the book (actually always quoted by Police but even they don't follow their own advice as it is not a feasible way of getting around). Are you saying that when you are driving your car and approach a blind bend you slow down to walking pace just in case there is a parked car, cow, horse, group of people etc just round the corner ? In real life it just does not happen and I doubt very much 99% of the population do the same.

    Wrathall's plead is "not guilty" to the charge of death by dangerous driving as his solicitor will have advised him to do so.

    No I don't condone his action as said previously and am not trying to defend him.

    I don't touch my phone in the car and don't wear headphones on my bike as I believe it reduces your awareness. I don't even believe bluetooth communication should be allowed on/in a vehicle.

  • in Rider Down
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    Troll....is a person who sows discord on the internet by trying to start arguments and upset people.[/URL] They may do this by posting deliberately inflammatory, extraneous[URL="https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/extraneous#Adjective"], or off-topic[/URL] messages in an online community, such as a forum, chat room, or blog, with the intent of provoking readers into an emotional[URL="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emotion"] response[URL="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Troll_%28Internet%29#cite_note-PCMAG_def-3"][/URL] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion.

    Seeing as I have not posted to start an argument and been specifically on-topic I wouldn't describe myself as a troll.. I merely came across this topic on an internet search on the accident as was taken aback by the foul language. Saying that it appears there is an emotional reponse so maybe you may describe me as one. If you want to label me as a troll then that is your prerogative.

    God forbid someone may have views that differ from others.

  • in Rider Down
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    If you are going round a blind bend at a speed where you are having to 'avoid' someone, you are driving too fast for the road. Simples

    So are you imlying the cyclist should take no responsibility for putting himself in a position where a c*** could come round the corner and collide with him ??

  • in Rider Down
    Avatar for Rider_Haggard

    He will probably get away with this, after all he needs his driving licence to do his job....

    This guy is a cunt. He has to tow his own racing car with a van that he is driving, so obviously is not a brilliant racing driver.

    And why call him a 'champion car racer' - he is a killer....


    Yes he is a champion racing driver and yes he has killed someone. Just hope you never have an accident where someone loses their life, then people will be calling you a c. The media were using the slant "racing driver" kills cyclist implying speed was involved. They wouldn't have put "shopkeeper kills cyclist".
    Sensationalist crap.
    Yes he has taken a life through stupidity and he will rightly probably go to jail because of his action.
    Several weeks ago I came round a blind bend to find a cyclist 2 foot off the white line in the "middle" of the road. He didn't hear me coming as he had earphones in. I managed to avoid him but if I had hit him and killed him would I be a c
