Member since Jul 2013 • Last active Aug 2013Most recent activity
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I have on offer a couple of French Bar Stems. All complete.
PIVO 140mm / 21mm with Quill
Excellent Condition. Made in France stickers.ATAX 135mm / 21mm with Quill
Very good condition.Both could be 22mm My eyesight, not what it once was..
Polished up and painted logo, both would look really well.
Old style classy.. very nice...£10 each Postage extra at actual cost. Probably a few quid..
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Looking for a decent front derailleur - Simplex Super LJ AV326 series.
Simplex Super LJ
Just recently completed a full strip down restoration, new paint, new decals, all components stripped and thoroughly checked and cleaned, all to a very high standard, just need to replace the front derailleur, although the original I have is in full working order, cosmetically speaking, it's to far gone to replace, chrome is pealing, so it's basically not good enough.
Have on offer, surplus to requirements, Frence Franco Itallia drop bar.
Quite nice condition, some slight scratch marks but would wire wool out.
£15 Posted extra at cost..
Very recently completed a full restoration and changed my drop bar, the bar I bought had some scratches clearly visable after applying the bar wrap.
After a little care and attention with some fine wire wool, all the scratches came out, a further polish with some Autosol metal polish compound, after some initial effort care and attention little effort actually, the results were really amazing, gob smacked even.. Just after a few hours works..
There is no reason the very same results cannot be gained with the the Atax bar..