Avatar for ShonaM


Member since Jun 2013 • Last active Aug 2013
  • 0 conversations

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  • in LFGSS Ladies
    Avatar for ShonaM

    Hello! I'm new to posting though have been sort of lurking by proxy as I am mrs rwn...

    But I am keen for this! Can I sign up me and a friend from my running club?

    1. Cazakstan
    2. Cafewanda
    3. Jess|e
    4. bothwell

    5. Nick-Nack
    6. Poots
    7. Doctor Cake
    8. captain_kirkby
    9. missmouse
    10. betty
    11. Lolabelle
    12. Sally
    13. mands - you got me at "pub"
    14. T4
    15. Kat
    16. Seraphinx.
    17. ellie
    18. mec
    19. shardaay
    20. Shona
    21. Sue

    I am coming on the nuclear power station ride tomorrow so maybe meet some of youse then?!
