Member since Jun 2013 • Last active Jun 2014- 0 conversations
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I will just leave this here
Bike Messenger Austin Horse - Streets & Avenues - Ep 2 - YouTube
i will start with my friends shit story
i had this friend who had a lot of money and he was bad at self-controlling his name was apolonas.this kid only wanted to do three things in his life:smoke weed,play tennis and waste hours upon hours on playstation games.Both his parents where rich but they were nice people.i knew him since elementary school so even though he was not the kind of kid to go out with could have him with you to laugh.Apolonas could shit everywhere he wanted for example a year ago we were passing from my ex's house which is 3 blocks away from his but he wanted to take a massive dump so he just jumped in her front porch took a shit and then he wiped with the tablecloth.I remember when i was 13 y.o. ,apolonas 's mother bought him one of those gas-powered RC cars and took us out to a 30 mile trip and left us to a special place where others gathered there to run RC cars and such.We arrived she told us that she will come in 3 hours to pick us up.Apolonas said i want to take a shit but i will do it after i will finish the gas.We were there for at least 2 hours and the track was empty we were alone happy until apolonas face turned red he was glowing from happiness and started screaming i want to take a shit ARGHHH. We just saw type 7 poop running down his leg into his white socks turning them brown. he ran as fast as he could throwing the controller to me and grabbing a pack of tissues.He just run into the wc crying for his mother while me and an other friend we were laughing.
sorry for the bad English.... -
do you even lift?
i didnt know where to post that but
Russian Macaframa - YouTube