Member since Jun 2013 • Last active Jun 2014- 0 conversations
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Hi, my bamboo frame seems to be coming on OK if a little slowly.
Thanks for the blog it is ace.
I have a question though. I am now wondering the best way to get cable stops onto the bamboo frame and cable guides under the bottom bracket for gears cables.
Are you going to do this?
Do you have any advice?
Any chance you could give me details on exactly which drop outs and head tube you are getting from ceeway ? I find their site a little hard to get my head around!
Also is this the carbon/kevlar tape you are thinking of using ?
Do you think 99 meters would be enough considering it is 25mm wide?
Any help appreciated :-)
Hi, really liking your thread. I have just taken the plunge and bought some bamboo to make a bike from BambooUK, they are doing bamboo bike kits now. It costs a bit more but they choose the bamboo for you.
I really am a bit (lot) of a novice in these matters but it should be fun learning. Your blog is invaluable for UK bamboo bike builders as most are US centric. Thanks for this, please, please keep this blog up to date.
Any chance I could PM you if I get stuck?
Hi, I guess I am going to answer my own question here.
I think I will probably try to do what this guy did and epoxy some thin bamboo to the frame like this:
I guess finding some decent bamboo with the right diameter might be the issue here?
A bit of cane might suffice?