Avatar for jamespeel68


Member since Jun 2013 • Last active Jun 2013
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  • in Manchester
    Avatar for jamespeel68

    New to this forum - not sure how you get to message people, so you can get me on j.peelatsalford.ac.uk

  • in Manchester
    Avatar for jamespeel68

    Sorry, should have said - the auction is at St Andrew's Chucrh, Church Street, Hadfield, SK13 2AD from 7.30. If you are not able to make it but would like to bid o nit, message me before 12.00 noon on Friday.

  • in Manchester
    Avatar for jamespeel68

    Circa 1960 Holdsworth Cyclone for auction

    I'm holding an auction to raise money for Macmillan Cancer Support this Friday 7th June. Among the items to be auctioned is the above bike. I don't know much about bikes, I'm afraid, but these are the details I do know:
    Frame: 56
    Olimpic Sprint Pedals
    Front derailleur: Shimano Thunderbird II
    Rear derailleur: Shimano 600
    Stronglight TS Crank

    The bike was the pride and joy of its former owner, who loved it and cared for it from buying it in around 1960 to when he died of cancer 6 years ago. Pictures (as well as more information about the rest of the auction) here: macmillanauction.wikispaces.com
