Avatar for EricD


Member since May 2013 • Last active Jun 2013
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  • in Rides & Races
    Avatar for EricD

    It's still all about week 3 & it'll be interesting to see how Nibali defends the jersey. 1 poor tactical decision is all it takes, hopefully Wiggins will be able to capitalise if it happens.

  • in Bikes & Bits
    Avatar for EricD

    I had a Retul fit last week at Cadence. My first ever fitting but the fitter seemed happy (as you would expect) to make little tweaks here and there to perfect my position once he'd made initial changes. He also assessed flexibility/muscular imbalances etc. which was interesting. I had my bar and stem replaced with bar tape chucked in for free, parts were at a very reasonable price.

  • in Rides & Races
    Avatar for EricD

    Looks like it. Odd to see henao in 4th, a point was made yesterday too, you'd expect guys like henao & Uran to be hanging around Wiggins. Maybe he's just saving himself for the more lumpy roads which start on Friday.

  • in Rides & Races
    Avatar for EricD

    Does anyone know if Wiggins had his time gap reduced because he was within 3km of the finish yesterday when the crash occurred? I read somewhere that just the cyclists that crashed had times reinstated but not those that just got caught up in it.
