Avatar for nobby


Member since Apr 2013 • Last active Apr 2013
  • 2 conversations

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  • in Complete bikes and frame & forks
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    Bob Jackson touring frame[21 inch] made road worthy with new chain set, gears, rear wheel, chain, block, etc. Beautiful to ride. Frame has been painted so not original colour. Can supply the old rear wheel and downtube gear levers, the front wheel is the original - Campag hub. New Mavic rear wheel. Shimano Soro Flight Deck brake levers/gear change, Soro front changer, Tiagra rear mech. Bike has not been restored as it would have been but I have made it a fine bike for the road. Ample room for mudguards. Would suit the enthusiast who has a genuine interest in hand-made frames from a well-known family cycling business.
    It is a joy to ride giving a really positive experience. Can supply a Brookes saddle[B17] for a supplement!!
    Need to sell as I have too many bikes collected over the past 50 years.

  • in Bikes & Bits
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    Viking racing bike from 1955, Reynolds 531 double butted tubing, Campag ends,beautiful lug work, re-enamelled and re-built for touring, Brooks saddle, Stronglight double chain set, Weinmann Brakes. Brake levers have been replaced and brake cables under handlebar tape
    Would suit the enthusiast who might want to restore the bike to use for classic rides on the Continent.
    I have had the bike since 1977, I have toured NZ, Tasmania, Viti Levu, all over the Continent. Had it re-enamelled by Argos, Bristol in 1989. Decals are my creation last year.

  • in Components and clothing
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    I've got a Raleigh Lenton[1952]?? Was my first touring bike in the early 70's, frame far too small for me[21 ins]. I recently did it up. Any offers? Would make a fine fixed wheel bike with just replacing the one in at present.

  • in Bikes & Bits
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    Cycled round Fiji, NZ, bits of Australia, most of Europe on a Viking Severn Valley[1955] which I adapted for touring.
    Just done up a 1980's Bob Jackson touring bike as a road bike. Gives a really positive, firm ride. Great !!! Thanks to Reynolds 531 double butted tubing.......

  • in General
    Avatar for nobby

    Always lock up my bike outside the pub which the probable miscreants frequent. None of them would dare take it................

  • in Miscellaneous and Meaningless
    Avatar for nobby

    Once met this old guy in the 1960's on the beach at Barmouth. He kept fit by bowling at a single stump, retrieving the tennis ball and completing the over. He was into his 80's then. He accounted for his longevity and fitness by his daily diet of porridge. Was this the legendary mountaineer Bill Tilman?
