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Member since Apr 2013 • Last active Mar 2014
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    This page needs more pics. Here is Luna, one of our Somalis.
    Managed to get in a fixed gear bike, and within the M25, I’ll give myself a pat on the back.
    Note the bike is small, the cat is not huge.

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    the only real doubt in my mind at the moment is the 5 speed hub. It seems very sensitive to cable tension adjustments and while I've now managed to get all 5 gears I'm still not entirely happy with it.

    I fitted the same hub on a Moulton f-frame. Also had tension/gear selection issues. Spent ages trying to get it sorted, however after a little use I still couldn’t get the lowest gear and the others were skipping. The best I managed was 4 of the 5 gears. Not good enough.

    Personal opinion is that the modern Sturmey 5 speed is a bit shite. Converted the Moulton to a single speed (fine for where I am in London) and will either get a Sturmey S5/2 for more gears or another bike.

    Super Brompton btw.

  • in Bikes & Bits
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    If you took the time to unpick the Sky blue '2013' on the sleeve and all the patches, it looks like quite a nice jacket.....


    Just got mine. It’s errr… not too bad, looks much better on than the picture above suggests, or at least I think I make it look good (though the Mrs will probably tell me I look like a dick in it).

    Either way, glad I got the patches off Rapha and not ebay!

    Not too sure when would be the appropriate time to wear it…

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    Any pointer on how to stop my cat from biting my feet and generally trying to attack me when I am in bed? She is changing from playing to gradually getting more aggressive. A winter duvet is no longer an adequate protection. I thought she had stopped as she was happily sleeping in my bed for about a week, a couple of weeks back, but that was it.

    I have this problem with one of ours. I think she sees it as fun! I wrap my feet in the end of the duvet, though they can get quite hot with this method. Alternatively leave your feet sticking out from under the duvet. My cat feels this is much less fun and leaves them alone. Though this will give you cold feet.

  • in Bikes & Bits
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    I bought the giro lusso (in black) as I could not afford Rapha at the time and wanted leather cycling gloves.

    They were a bit crap. The colour ran in the rain (leaving black streaks on your hands (and on your bars if they are white)), though I read somewhere they have since sorted this…

    Worse for me though was that they looked very tatty quite quickly (like old used rags of leather). I think it may partly be that the leather is so thin (?).

    Since that time, Rapha had a sample sale (I think their last in London) where I managed to grab a pair for me and the missus (well two for me (black and white!) and one for the missus). The leather is much thicker making it way more luxurious. I also found the padding to be much better. The all over palm padding of the Rapha seemed to be more comfortable and do a better job than the Lussos patchy padding. After a year and a half of constant use our gloves are still looking really good.
    I love the gloves but do suffer from sweaty hands (nice!) and so they are not the best on a hot day or if I’m really going for it. Also on my black pair the Velcro has lost it velcroness and keeps undoing as I cycle. Though to be fair I bought them at the ‘Sample’ sale so can’t complain. If this did ever happen with a pair bought directly I’m sure they would repair them. The only other issue with them is when my non cycling friends (which is all of them!) see me put on these gloves they think it’s part of my gimp/S&M outfit!

    If anyone does go for a pair be careful with sizing. I have pretty large hands albeit quite skinny and the small are the size for me. They start off tight but stretch a bit.
