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If everyone is forced by rule to go full chat at all times on pain of death then you may as well just run TTs?
The track that had this rule was at Paddington, alas it was dug up sometime the last century. Same size as Herne Hill but with a very shallow banking. If you swung up after doing your turn, rarely could you get back on because there was no backing to give you that extra kick. 20km races often had only six finishers. (Prizes down to sixth place!!) With judges warning riders and the strongest surviving, yes it was just like time trialling. On a fast day 96 inches was the gear of choice.
[QUOTE=erikjonsson;3541417]I was doing the second to last turn on the front of the bell lap and we came out three abreast at turn 4 during the third lap out because there was a very small and tired rider up front that refused to swing off.
Yes I spoke to him at the end of the race. He had the energy to sit on the wheel but was unable to contribute to the pace. He said he looked over his shoulder to swing up (questionable towards the end of a training session) and saw riders on his outside so he stayed were he was so they could go round him and take up the pace. He died badly, all riders had passed him by the home straight.
Yeah very quick, someone said there were a few Cat A riders in there today
The coaches were funny shouting 'no racing' and 'go on!!!!' at the same timeThe coaches could see that racing tactics were being deployed to stay near the front as the training session was coming to an end. With three laps to go the working line stalled and riders were three abreast coming out of the home banking. (yes the wind was a factor) In the later stages of the training ride if riders are at the front they should give it their best shot to either maintain the pace or pull the speed up a little. Jumping away or slowing up so somebody else picks up the pace are race tactics. These are dealt with on Monday night. Slowing up can be very dangerous in the later stages of a training ride as some riders drop their heads and focus on the wheel in front. In training, if on count back you realize you are going to be at the front for one of the last five half lap changes so be it ā make it a fair one.
In racing terms, slowing the race up or soft pedalling on some tracks used to get you banned from the rest of the meeting for not defending your position!
For information 43 riders were still in the string with 5 laps to go. 27 riders were in the string for the last lap. -
Not wishing to disillusion anybody but the Velo Club de Londres youngsters were on restricted gears. Ouch! As for the fast pace in the season opener ā it was too cold to ride slowly. Being safe with a steady pace was the order of the day. We will leave muscle tears until it gets warmer.
There were six coaches on duty - only one could fit into his coaching top ... just.
Praise to the beginners/ novice training riders. Six laps in a snowstorm, one rider in football shorts and a T-Shirt - why??????
Preston track league runs every Wednesday from the start of May. Yes it is very similar to Paddington. When not used as a track it was used as a park area. Sometimes in the past an unleashed dogs would add excitement. The track is āDā shaped with its only banking going into the home straight. Hitting the banking at speed for the first time could cause the unwary to steer across the banking towards the then unfenced top of the banking. Looking down at a duck pond from a great height you did only once! The track has been revamped and being well supported by local clubs. Some London riders make the trip down to compete at their weekend open meetings.