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Member since Feb 2013 • Last active Sep 2013
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    Being a cyclist ,motorcyclist,car driver and pedestrian in central London I think the poor car driver gets a raw deal - Its always his/her fault. I come across too many stupid cyclists every day- you know who you are, and then we have tourists on Boris bikes! Every body needs to be aware of all other road users, so do what I do, treat all other users as idiots and act accordingly. I will not be signing petition, sorry.

  • in Mechanics & Fixin'
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    Fixie's dont need mech hangers so get a saw! Easy. Seriously though I was given a bike that had a bent mech hanger (a car had reversed over bike).I got a bolt that fitted the thread and with a socket on the nut and a 24" knuckle bar gently pulled the hanger in to place. A bit of tweaking was necessary to get the gears running sweet.

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    Hi All. Always wanted a fixed wheel bike so put one together last month and wish I'd done it years ago. Then I joined this!
