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Member since Jan 2013 • Last active Aug 2013
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    Last bump. Anyone with Turbo Trainer or rollers with fork stand willing to lend them to me for 3 days or 2 weeks?

  • in Wanted Adverts
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    Thanks, blowfish!! :)

    I need another pair or rollers, anybody?

  • in Wanted Adverts
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    Hello everyone,

    I have an exhibition from 16th to 18th August at the South Place Hotel (http://sizzle9show.eventbrite.co.uk/) and another for two weeks starting 19th August at the Barbican Gallery and need to borrow two sets of Turbo Trainers or rollers for two bikes urgently! Kinoko Cycles has agreed to lend me bikes for the South Place Hotel exhibition. This is a non-commercial, art and tech community event.

    Basically I joined an art hackathon recently and built an app that won an honorary mention award. Was working in Beijing for a couple of years and rode a fixie with the Big Dirty Cycling group every Thursday night, one of us would bring music and speakers as we cruised around the city. Really miss doing that as I've since moved to London and ride alone to commute mostly.

    With this app, you and your pals can be in different locations and listen to music while you ride. It tracks the speed while you're riding and the music gets softer if you're slower or faster than your friend and gets louder when you're riding at a similar speed as your friend. Each bike has a unique beat and when combined, you make music together! There is also a visualiser that is generated by the speed of the bikes.

    A couple of videos of the work in progress during the hackathon:

    Please contact me as soon as possible if you have rollers that I can borrow for three days at the South Place Hotel or even better, two weeks for the Barbican! I'll buy you lunch? Or if you know any company who could lend me the rollers, we will definitely credit and promote your business. Looking at 250-300 attendees on the launch night 16th August.

    Thanks in advance!!

    • Gloria
  • in LFGSS Ladies
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    I signed up for a cycle training session via TFL last night and should be going for one soon! Also, I flipped off someone last night while riding... Bad habits from Beijing. They honked at me and I didn't think I was in the wrong so in shock and frustration showed them the finger. He didn't take it too kindly, drove up and told me to pull over. Then I realised they were park rangers or some sort. I need to get acquainted with the culture here before I get into trouble...

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    Thanks wiganwill! Will definitely look into joining one of those cycle trainings! :)

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    Thanks, Oliver! Showed up late at LBK but will go there again tomorrow. Will check out Hackney Bike Workshop next time!

  • in LFGSS Ladies
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    Hello ladies!
    I'm Gloria and 've just said introduced myself in the General forum http://www.lfgss.com/post3359049-5564.html, very excited to meet more female cyclists to experience different dynamics as I'd been riding my bike with mostly men the past two years! Looking forward to joining some of your events! Cheers!!

  • in General
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    Hello everyone,
    I'm Gloria. Started riding fixed (or bicycles in general) when I moved to Beijing about two years ago and I've just moved to London, originally from Singapore. Right now going to school at Central Saint Martins. Got into an accident last month in Beijing and think my crank might be bent? Can't get my handlebar to be where I want either with the replacement fork... After crawling this forum a bit I've decided to visit the London Bike Kitchen today to have Le Petit (that's the name of my bike) checked out. I'm not very good at riding and use it solely to get from point A to point B. I used to ride with Big Dirty (http://bigdirtycycling.com/), a cycling group/collective made up of foreigners in Beijing, 95% dudes. They do a ride around the city every Thursday night and end the evening with a couple of beers at a dive bar. Been riding my bike around London this past week and a half and I have to say it's terrifying!! Hope to meet more riders here and go on rides regularly! Cheers!!
