Avatar for Last_Mile_Leeds


Member since Dec 2012 • Last active May 2013
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  • in Wanted Adverts
    Avatar for Last_Mile_Leeds

    We have 3 Bullitts in Leeds, and would be happy to let you have a test ride. Can also access new Bullitts (from £2-2.5k) depending on spec.

  • in Bikes & Bits
    Avatar for Last_Mile_Leeds

    Why did you need three?

    Sorry for delay in replying...
    I considered three to be the barest minimum for a 'fleet' and I got them at a really good price. I currently have 2 on the road nearly every day, and expect to continue to grow the business.

    Check our site here.

  • in Bikes & Bits
    Avatar for Last_Mile_Leeds

    Nice. What are the boxes like?

    Sorry for delay, but the thread is still going so I'll respond to the questions...
    Boxes are very heavy as they have a lot of insulation. Probably more than 20kg. They are however very large and volume is more often a limiting factor than weight for the bulk of my deliveries.

  • in Bikes & Bits
    Avatar for Last_Mile_Leeds

    I bought 3 of these from the dairy selling ice creams at the Olympics.
    They are Bullitts, with 8-speed Alfine rear hubs and disc breaks.
