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Member since Dec 2012 • Last active Nov 2013
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    what I do and advice others - put shorter stem and handlebars up not to have strain on uper body.

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    Hi everybody, I found the reason to join the forum, particulary this thread. Nothing serious, but I gonna report some antisocial behavior to https://secure.met.police.uk/roadsafelondon/ . But before it, I am asking someone to correct my poor English, thank you! The report is:

    I was riding my bicycle, turned from Regent to Jermyn street. Shortly in the beginning of Jermyn street I was terrified by the horn of the vehicle and sound of engine close behind me (silver Renault Trafic, LT57NXL), I swerved to the edge of the road and the car passed close to me. Then the vehicle slowed down, opened the window waiting for me, as I passed the driver yelled a lot of dirty words at me, shouted that I should stay off his way. It took approximately 20 seconds as he was going beside me, swearing at me through a window and than drove away. A bit later I approached the same vehicle standing in a queue near the junction at the same street, stooped behind it near the edge of the curb to take picture of the vehicle registration plate. The passenger of the car noticed my move, got out of the car and started taking pictures of me, both with the driver laughing at me. At the moment the traffic moved in front of us, but the driver and passenger of the vehicle where standing to make a laugh of me holding the traffic behind. It's the first time I encountered such an aggression in British roads and hope the appropriate actions will be taken. The driver with present attitude and aggression makes big danger on the roads.
